Specialist in Public Law by the Federal Magistracy School of Paraná – ESMAFE

Specialist in Civil Law and Civil Procedure by the Luiz Carlos Center for Legal Studies
Bachelor of Law from Tuiuti University of Paraná

Registered with OAB (Order of Attorneys of Brazil) under number 63,407

Participant in the Philosophy Group at Casa do Filósofo
Proficient in English
Associate Lawyer at Pereira Gionédis Advogados in Curitiba

- Author of the Article "The Right to Parity in the Receipt of Performance Bonuses," published in Jurisway – Online Educational System at  in
- Author of the Article "Right to Parity in Performance Bonuses," published in Zênite Magazine – Personnel Regime Bulletin (IRP) Curitiba, year 16, no. 185, December 2016
Author of the Article "On the Loss of Luggage," published in Jornal do Comércio Hauer at in


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